
from Neal Litvack, President & CEO

4,000-plus animals! That's the number of pets we saved in 2022 by relocating them to Massachusetts and placing them into loving homes. It was three years ago that we teamed up with the Northeast Animal Shelter (NEAS) to save thousands of pets by way of transport to New England—and today NEAS is officially part of our organization. Your enduring support of our mission makes this life-saving work possible and, as we mark the start of a new year, I'm more grateful to you than ever before.

Learn More About NEAS

3,000,000+pet meals delivered to pet owners in need in 2022

Angell Animal Medical Center

Innovation Meets Excellence

Our dedicated team of 140+ veterinarians, working across the Angell network, provided life-saving, state-of-the-art care to over 100,000 pets in 2022.

Angell Animal Medical Center CCU Unveiling Video

Angell's All-New Emergency & Critical Care Unit Marks One Year of Operation

Despite a post-pandemic staffing crisis impacting every aspect of healthcare, including veterinary medicine, our all-new Critical Care Unit (CCU) remained open throughout 2022. The totally reconfigured space, encompassing two floors and thousands of square feet of treatment area, has already cemented Angell's reputation as a world leader in 24/7 emergency and specialty medicine. The more than 30,000 patients treated in our CCU in the last year benefited from the very latest diagnostic and treatment technologies, and the skill and compassion of our dedicated team. Click the thumbnail above for a virtual tour of this amazing space—and to meet the hero veterinarians behind our world-class emergency service!

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More than 30 homeless cats from South Carolina relocated to Massachusetts Video

Thousands of Homeless Pets Transported to Massachusetts, Adopted Just After

Three years ago we radically expanded our vision for the number of animals we could help. Thanks to your enduring support of our mission, and after decades of work, we managed to diffuse the homeless pet population crisis here in Massachusetts. But the dream of living in a loving adoptive home still eluded thousands of dogs, cats, and other pets living in other parts of the country, namely the South. So we expanded our scope by joining forces with the Northeast Animal Shelter and expanding its life-saving pet transport operation. Click the thumbnail above to meet just some of the more than 4,000 lucky pets who are now safe and sound in loving homes—thanks to your ongoing support.

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Pets treated across the Angell Boston, Waltham, Westford, Danvers, and MSPCA-Angell Adoption Center Clinics
Life-saving vaccines administered
Animals received life-saving emergency treatment
Veterinarians delivered compassionate care to animals including dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, rabbits — and so many more

85,000 Volunteer hours logged by more than 600 volunteers who cared for animals in our adoption centers

Inside and Outside our Adoption Centers

We placed nearly 9,000 animals into loving adoptive homes in the last year, despite significant headwinds, from chronic staffing shortages to economic and stock market volatility that challenge every nonprofit. Our Adoption Center teams worked tirelessly to find a home for every animal in our care. And the full integration of the Northeast Animal Shelter into the MSPCA-Angell, along with your continued support of our good work, will help us save the lives of many thousands more animals in the years to come!

MSPCA-Angell Community Outreach Video

More Than Three Million Pet Meals Delivered

Not even our ambitious and ever-dedicated Community Outreach team thought we could match the two million pet meals delivered to needy families in 2021. But in 2022 this extraordinary team got one million more meals into the bellies of hungry dogs and cats, and spared many a pet owner the existential worry about how they can care for their beloved pets. Click the thumbnail above for more on how this life-saving program works and why, for the animals who rely on it, our food pantry is the difference between a nutritious meal and going to bed hungry.

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Puppy in intensive care after rescue from Boston streets Video

A Second Chance for Abandoned, Desperately Sick Puppy

A tiny, weeks-old puppy found wandering the streets on a cold November evening is tragic enough — but when his rescuers found out he was also sick with Parvovirus, a potentially fatal disease — his story took an even darker turn. Fortunately, our 24/7 Emergency & Critical Care Unit was there for him. The adorable pup, who we named "Tuesday" after the day of the week he was rescued, spent weeks in intensive care, growing stronger every day. Slowly, and with the steady and compassionate support of our veterinary team, he made a complete recovery. His story went viral after the news media caught on (click the thumbnail above for more!) and hundreds of people expressed interest in adopting him. We’re proud to say that we placed Tuesday in a loving adoptive home as soon as he was discharged from our care.

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Hours logged by 619 volunteers who helped care for animals in our Adoption Centers
Animals placed into adoptive homes
Low-cost subsidized medical treatments performed inside our Community Clinics
Pets helped at the end of their lives through our pet loss services, with 87 beloved animals laid to rest at our Hillside Acre Pet Cemetery

40,000 life-saving vaccines administered to pet patients in 2022

Strengthening Laws and Keeping Watch

Passing robust, comprehensive animal protection laws—and ensuring compliance with those laws—are the cornerstone efforts of the MSPCA’s Advocacy and Law Enforcement programs. And in the year that was, these teams were busier than ever, ensuring every animal in Massachusetts, whether pets or wildlife, is safe from harm and free from exploitation.

Advocacy Highlights

Law Enforcement Highlights

30,000Beloved pets received life-saving emergency medical treatment at Angell Animal Medical Center

The American Fondouk and the MSPCA-Angell; two non-profit organizations with a shared history

Saving the Hardest Working Animals in the World

The American Fondouk, operating in Fez, Morocco, provides charitable veterinary care for the working animals of Morocco. In 2022 the American Fondouk provided lifesaving care to hundreds of donkeys, mules, and horses who remain vital to Morocco’s economy, and on whom thousands of families depend. The American Fondouk was founded in 1927 thanks to the effort of Amy Bend Bishop, an American traveler and philanthropist, in partnership with then President of the MSPCA, Dr. Francis Rowley, and Sydney Coleman, a prominent New York animal activist. Today, the MSPCA-Angell shares history, compassion for animals in need, and veterinary volunteers with the American Fondouk.

Dr. Ahmed Khairoun Assumes Leadership Role at the Fondouk

Dr. Ahmed Khairoun Assumes Leadership Role at the Fondouk

2022 saw a change in leadership at the American Fondouk, our hospital in Fez, Morocco that works tirelessly to improve the lives of animals in the region. Ahmed Khairoun was a third-year veterinary student when he was introduced to equine surgery during a presentation in Morocco. And as he says, "I knew from that moment that I wanted to become a surgeon, and that I wanted to help horses." Dr. Khairoun ultimately completed four equine-specific internships, including his first and favorite: under the skillful and guiding hand of Dr. Gigi Kay, who was at that time the head of the Fondouk. Upon Dr. Kay's retirement, Dr. Khairoun assumed the leadership position at the Fondouk, and it's fair to say that the animals who rely on this vital health resource could not be happier—and nor can we!

A Small Bite Turns Catastrophic for a Valued Mare

A Small Bite Turns Catastrophic for a Valued Mare

One mare bites another on the neck. It's a fairly common occurrence, and is almost never a serious situation. But for 20-year-old Amira, a small bite nearly took her life. Three weeks after she was bitten by her stablemate, she developed an infection that quickly spread. By the time her family arrived at the Fondouk, Amira's wound became a painful, open abscess. Her heart rate was spiking, she had a fever and she could barely lift her head. Emergency treatment at the Fondouk, however, immediately had her feeling better—so much so that in a matter of weeks she made a complete recovery, and was able to return home to her family.

Financial Report

2022 served up a bevy of challenges but, thanks to the generosity of our donors and our team's steadfast commitment to our mission, we finished the year strongly.

Increased net revenue by 3% or $2.5 million

Spent 89% of every dollar on programs that directly benefit animals

Received $5.7 million in bequests from donors who included us in their estate planning

Granted nearly $4.2 million in charitable veterinary care to homeless animals, as well as to financially needy pet owners

See Full Financial Information

MSPCA-Angell in the News

Here's a sampling of the good that has come out of our work in 2022

What a Year! As 2022 Draws to a Close, the MSPCA-Angell and Northeast Animal Shelter Reflect on the Top 10 Animal Survivors of 2022

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“Home for the New Year!” MSPCA-Angell, Northeast Animal Shelter Transport Dozens of Cats and Dogs to Massachusetts Just Days After Christmas

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MSPCA-Angell, Northeast Animal Shelter Host “Catsgiving Food Drive” for Cats in Need

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MSPCA-Angell and Northeast Animal Shelter Holding “Home for the Holidays” Fee-Waived Adoptathon for Small Animals

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Angell Animal Medical Center Offers Advice for Keeping Pets Safe this Thanksgiving

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MSPCA at Nevins Farm Helps Kitten Trapped in Truck Tire, Saves Leg from Amputation

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MSPCA Law Enforcement Files Felony Animal Cruelty Charges Against Tyngsborough Man

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MSPCA-Angell and Northeast Animal Shelter Take in Dozens of Dogs from Midwest Commercial Breeder

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The MSPCA-Angell and Northeast Animal Shelter Rescue More Cats from Florida in the Wake of Hurricane Ian

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Getting the News Out

Boston-area readers viewed our Angell print advertisements in local newspapers while our digital ads reached five million views
Raised through online peer-to-peer fundraising, social media, and TeamRaiser events, such as our Fast and Furriest 5K run and our annual Spin for Animals event
People follow MSPCA-Angell news on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon, Instagram, and YouTube
People received monthly MSPCA-Angell e-newsletters
Supporters received the Companion newsletter, while thousands more accessed it online
Angell alumni read our Alumni Newsletter, and several hundred of these alumni remain active members of our Angell Animal Medical Center Alumni Facebook group
Referring primary-care veterinary practices received our Partners in Care newsletter

Featured Donors

Cristin OHara and Mike Sullivan

Cristin O'Hara and Mike Sullivan

Cat lovers Cristin O’Hara and Mike Sullivan are longtime supporters of the MSPCA-Angell, in particular our Angell Animal Medical Center, where their beloved pets have been treated. They are founding members of the Neurology Financial Assistance Fund, which they started with a generous, five-figure gift. The fund, administered by Angell neurologist Dr. Rob Daniel, aims to provide diagnostic and treatment options for pets whose owners cannot afford treatment for brain, spinal cord and other neurology-related illnesses and injuries. Cristin and Mike were inspired to create the fund after their beloved Chocolate Point Siamese cat, Charlie, underwent life-saving treatment. Their second cat, Alibi, also benefited from life-saving care in the form of dental surgery in 2022.

In addition to founding the Neurology Financial Assistance Fund, the couple generously support the “Catvocates” initiative, which helps the MSPCA’s adoption centers shelter and provide medical care to homeless cats before they too can be placed into loving homes.

Cristin and Mike have also extended their generosity to the Angell Animal Medical Center staff. As a 24/7 emergency and specialty hospital, Angell never closes, never goes on holiday. No matter the day, doctors and veterinary technicians are onsite tending to patients. Knowing they often work long hours—and sometimes skip their own meals—the couple sponsored a food truck in 2022 that served countless grilled cheese sandwiches (among other goodies) to a very hungry staff. Needless to say that truck was extremely popular among the Angell team!

Cristin and Mike’s generous support of the MSPCA-Angell’s mission means that many a pet lover need not worry about how they can afford care, and their kindness and concern for Angell’s hardworking staff is deeply appreciated by all.

Amy Remondi

Amy Remondi

As many thousands of pet owners know, Angell Animal Medical Center leads the world in medical diagnostic and treatment innovation. From MRI and Cat Scan, to the latest oncology, ophthalmology and internal medicine capabilities, the hospital remains at the forefront of specialty veterinary medicine.

Medical equipment is prohibitively expensive, however, and the hospital owes its world-leading reputation to donors such as Amy Remondi, also an MSPCA-Angell Advisory Council member, whose five-figure donation in 2022 has ensured that Angell remains cutting edge nearly a quarter century into the new millennium. Amy’s relationship with Angell began when her now 11-year-old Cockapoo, Winter, was treated by Dr. Zach Crouse, who continues to monitor this much-loved pet. Amy has two other dogs, a one-and-a-half-year-old Daisy named Luna and Golden Retriever, Dash—who was rescued from an abusive situation at 10 months old and has had two ACL-repair surgeries. Amy also has two horses.

Amy’s daughter, Chloe, recently toured Angell’s all-new Critical Care Unit, which inspired Amy to support the hospital further. Indeed, Amy’s entire family is heavily involved in the grander mission to protect and advocate for animals, and we are grateful for her continued support of the MSPCA-Angell.

Joseph Connolly

Joseph Connolly

Every donor who supports the MSPCA-Angell mission is a champion because, absent their generosity, we would not have the resources needed to save the tens of thousands of animals who rely on us every single year. Joe Connolly, an animal lover through and through, has not only supported our work at the very highest levels, but he does so out of love for his dog, and for Angell Animal Medical Center, the hospital that ensures care for so many other pets throughout the year.

Joe’s generosity has seen Angell through some of the most challenging times in the organization’s history: from the pandemic and its aftermath, to crippling staffing shortages that too often result in long wait times and the frustrations that go along with these challenges. Joe has made waiting for care at Angell that much more comfortable for people and their pets, however, by enabling us to install dynamic, instructive flooring improvements in the Angell lobby.

Moreover, countless pieces of critical diagnostic and treatment technology have been installed at Angell as a direct result of Joe’s giving. We are grateful for Joe’s support—and his friendship.

Martha Cushing

Martha Cushing

Longtime MSPCA-Angell supporter Martha Cushing loved Cape Cod—where she lived in the village of Pocasset and for years served as a member of the Pocasset Beach Improvement Association. An active, engaged and compassionate citizen of the world, Martha passed away in March of 2022, but not before remembering the animals as part of her estate plan.

Martha, who owned and adored several cats during her lifetime, made a generous gift to the MSPCA-Cape Cod in Centerville. Moved by the mission to house, safeguard and adopt animals to pet lovers across Cape Cod, Martha ensured her legacy would live on through the hundreds of adoptions the MSPCA-Cape Cod facilitates every year. We are profoundly thankful for her generous support and proud of the trust she placed in our mission to protect animals on the Cape, and everywhere else.


Our Donors

No matter the dollar amount, the MSPCA-Angell is profoundly grateful for the support we receive from donors. Below is a list of donors who have made the world kinder, more compassionate, and more considerate of animals by donating at least $500. We thank them for supporting our good work.

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Gifts In Kind

We gratefully acknowledge the valuable donations of time, talent, expertise, merchandise, and services valued at $500 or more received from the following individuals and businesses during 2022.

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Our Donors

Gifts in Kind